Grief Became Her - Original
Grief Became Her - Original
Grief Became Her
This particular piece was inspired from the elated feeling you get when you start to heal after loss. You become bonded to something that broke you to your core. From enduring grief it becomes your strength. You are not ashamed of it anymore; it becomes who you are. Grief is stronger than you that’s why you need to join forces with it. This poem elaborates on coming to this understanding.
Grief becomes her
Thank you for the heart break
Thank you for the let downs
Thanks for the altered dream
For I don’t know who wrote the script
It just leads me back to what really broke my heart in the first place
I can’t escape how bad it feels
As the grief becomes a part of who I am
What I’m made of
What we will all go through
In a world where things are becoming more fake and shiny
There is still so much beauty in pain
There is even beauty in ugliness
There is beauty in bitter truth
There is even beauty in grief
So become her
Become to the ugly
Become of the truth
Become your pain
Become your grief
It’s your history
It’s what made you
Grief is a dance
It’s just as important to be still
As it is to move
So dance
Your sorrows won’t go away
It just becomes a beautiful song
With so much feeling
With so much real-ness
Grief becomes you